
Author: one-aalam on December 6, 2024


Astro Ink is a minimal theme created to serve minimalistic markdown-based blog needs. It ships with almost all the basic Astro components that you might need while creating light-weight, performant, personal blogs, that focus on shipping less Javascript by default.

PRs welcome!LicenseFollow @aftabbuddy

Astro Banner

It’s hugely inspired by Hugo’s Ink theme and strives to remain light, while providing the basis for a beautiful, minimal blog.


How to start?

Just clone this template, and start working from your clone. You have all the common NPM commands at your disposal like dev, build, etc. Refer package.json to see a list of all the available commands.

Note: Use npx degit one-aalam/astro-ink to clone the template without any of the git history

Note: This template genrates server (SSR ready) output by default. If you want static builds

Note: Before running npm run dev for the very first time -

Built with Astro Ink

know a site built with Astro Ink? Let me know on Twitter

Wanna learn Astro while building Ink?

This theme was initially built with first an alpha, and then a beta version of the Astro Framework. If you’re just starting with Astro, you can actually learn Astro while building this very theme by following a series of blogs I’ve written that teaches you Astro ground-up!

Head over to and know